Marwan Sameh Co.
Digital Transformation Solutions
Solving business problems through good design & tech
Hello, we are Marwan Sameh Co. We are business designers who create meaningful experience through merging good design with technology to help institutions find their voice in the crowded marketplace.


Design is the essence of the modern brand. Brands could live or die by the quality of design they offer. Good design isn’t something that “looks cool”, but rather something that works, competes, offers a better value.

Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is the essence of the brand. Having a clear and aligned brand strategy might be the only way for brands to stand out in a very crowded market. Brand strategy sessions are all about aligning the goals of the company with the way the brand speaks, looks, and acts on a daily basis.

Brand Identity

Brand identity is the shape of the brand. While the strategy aligned the brand goals to the way the brand speaks in its content, brand identity is the visual aspect of the strategy.

Packaging (Graphic & structural)

Packaging in the modern era became one of the selling points of products. Some products are sold just for having a nice-looking package.

Web & Mobile UX/UI

Digital presence is one of the most import­ant parts of today’s market. Especially af­ter the pandemic, brands require a digital presence now more than ever before.

print & layout design

Even though the whole world has gone dig­ital, having a company’s print collateral in­duces trustworthiness, nonetheless. Com­panies need to have print collateral from business cards to letterheads to envelopes, brochures, folders, etc.


Building a brand needs work. In addition to the core brand, its personality, and identity, a brand needs awareness to be built, people to know about the brand, its core values,and beliefs.

Content strategy & writing

Building a thorough content strategy that plans the campaign, its goals, and tone of voice is anessential part when writing content. That’s why they go together, none without the other.

digital marketing

Aspart of the online presence, brands need to have a digital channel to markettheir products. The digital marketing aspect of a brand needs to be clear andaligned with the brand and content strategy.

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Teaching Assistant at MSA University

Working as a teaching assistant for MSA university, teaching interactive design and branding for a group of very enthusiastic and promising students.

Communication executive at Lirten Software

Managing communications of Lirten and as the lead UX/UI designer for Lirten, managing a team of designers, content writers and social media buyers.

MASCO Digitalization Project Lead

Leading the digitalization project of MASCO (Al-Swailam Company) creating a website, leading a team to design, develop, and write content for MASCO’s webstie.

Freelance ux designer at 4am/evolution studio

Working on developing an application and a website for Evolution Studio Agency for an upcoming brand.Working on developing an application and a website for Evolution Studio Agency for an upcoming brand.                              

graphic designer at fec egypt

Working as a part-time graphic designer to create the monthly newsletters and brand collateral for the FEC. Designing and managing the website and content writing for the FEC website and some of the Egyptian trade missions and exhibitions to various parts of the world.

graphic designer at icewell design agency

Working with clients to conceptualize their ideas into brands, campaigns, graphics, or packaging design. Working with existing brand manuals and colors to create collateral for the clients.